Revisiting the Role of Tribal Development Department
in the Context of Adivasi Land Rights
It is time to revise the mandate of the Tribal Development Department beyond implementation of a few...
Underneath every mosque -
first, a few broken bricks
pieces of forgotten scaffolding
and beneath that
wayward roots squiggling through dense rot
शेतकरी आंदोलनाच्या पार्श्वभूमीवर: किमान आधारभूत किंमत आणि पलीकडे - भाग १
पहिली टाळेबंदी: पिके बाजारात पोहचू शकली नाहीत, शेतकरी सडलेल्या भाजीपाल्यामध्ये उभे राहिले
२०१७मध्ये महाराष्ट्र, मध्य प्रदेश, तामिळनाडू आणि इतर...
In the Wake of the Farmers’ Movement: MSP and Beyond
Concluding Part
Kalyan's Bumper Paddy Harvest: Sit on it and Wait for a Good Price!
The experiences...
Nontribal Communities Deprived of Forest Rights
Agitation by farmers for recognition of forest rights
"My neighbour has got a patta because he is a tribal, but I cannot...