Friday, February 14, 2025


The Role of Tribal Development Department in the Context of Adivasi Land Rights

Revisiting the Role of Tribal Development Department in the Context of Adivasi Land Rights   It is time to revise the mandate of the Tribal Development Department beyond implementation of a few...

The Potential of Coal-Mine Tourism in Chandrapur

The Potential of Coal-Mine Tourism in Chandrapur What can we learn from successful international models?     Picture 1 above is of...

Underneath Every Mosque

  Underneath every mosque - first, a few broken bricks pieces of forgotten scaffolding and beneath that wayward roots squiggling through dense rot blind...

What is expected of WCL (and other Mining Companies) While Closing Mines?

What is expected of WCL (and other Mining Companies) While Closing Mines? Vidarbha has the highest number of coal...

Daughters of Chandrapur Reclaim the Night

Daughters of Chandrapur Reclaim the Night Women's safety has become a central issue in India where incidents of rape,...

शेतकरी आंदोलनाच्या पार्श्वभूमीवर: किमान आधारभूत किंमत आणि पलीकडे  – भाग १

शेतकरी आंदोलनाच्या पार्श्वभूमीवर: किमान आधारभूत किंमत आणि पलीकडे  - भाग १ पहिली टाळेबंदी: पिके बाजारात पोहचू शकली नाहीत, शेतकरी सडलेल्या भाजीपाल्यामध्ये उभे राहिले २०१७मध्ये महाराष्ट्र, मध्य प्रदेश, तामिळनाडू आणि इतर...

In the Wake of the Farmers’ Movement: MSP and Beyond Concluding Part

In the Wake of the Farmers’ Movement: MSP and Beyond  Concluding Part Kalyan's Bumper Paddy Harvest: Sit on it and Wait for a Good Price! The experiences...

In the Wake of the Farmers’ Movement: MSP and Beyond (Part –I)

 In the Wake of the Farmers’ Movement: MSP and Beyond  (Part –I)                 First lockdown: crops could not reach...

Let’s Face It: We are a Society that Hates its Labourers

Let’s Face It: We are a Society that Hates its Labourers MGNREGA labourer, Mul taluka, Chandrapur Twenty years ago there was a word used by the...

Caste-based FRA Provisions Deprive Nontribal Forest Dwellers

Nontribal Communities Deprived of Forest Rights Agitation by farmers for recognition of forest rights "My neighbour has got a patta because he is a tribal, but I cannot...

Adivasi Pursuit of the Elusive ‘Patta’ Navigating the Labyrinthine Procedures of FRA

Adivasi Pursuit of the Elusive 'Patta' Navigating the Labyrinthine Procedures of FRA                       Adivasis Plead with...