Revisiting the Role of Tribal Development Department
in the Context of Adivasi Land Rights
It is time to revise the mandate of the Tribal Development Department beyond implementation of a few...
Underneath every mosque -
first, a few broken bricks
pieces of forgotten scaffolding
and beneath that
wayward roots squiggling through dense rot
The Unbearable Ugliness of West Bengal Politics
Sandeshkhali - the name has become synonymous with the chilling story of political goondas belonging to TMC, allegedly...
Judgment at Nuremberg
Why did Judges Capitulate to Hitler?
Judgment at Nuremberg (1961) written by Abby Mann and directed by Stanley Kramer is a black...
दिंडोदा बॅरेज उर्फ धरण
बाधित लोक का लढत आह?
ग्लॅक्सो,हिंदुस्थान लिव्हर, क्राॅम्प्टन ग्रीव्हज, रिचर्डसन,फिलिप्स इंडिया, ब्रूक बाॅन्ड या सारख्या मल्टीनॅशनल कंपन्या पूर्वीही होत्या. ह्या कंपन्या आताही...
Dhammachakra Anupravartan Din - The Unique Utsav
It is well-known that Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar converted with hundreds of thousands of his followers to Buddhism on 14...