The Modi Stepdown:
Lessons for Future Andolans
The year-long agitation spearheaded by the Samyukta Kisan Morcha against the three farm laws came to a conclusion on...
काल राष्ट्रवादीचे सर्वेसर्वा, पदविभूषण खासदार शरद पवार यांची मूल येथे सभा संपन्न झाली. शरद पवार यांचे विदर्भ दौर्यानिमीत्त शेतकरी, कामगार मेळावा घेण्यात आला. नावांत...
An ancient tale reverberates
Of epic battle, blood and gore
A Dharmayuddha that brothers fought
Slitting throats for land and throne.
Widows wailed amidst pyres lit
Who could say which side...
Countering the 'Azadi was Bheek' Propaganda
Remembering the Revolutionaries of Chimur
The bestowing of a Padmashree, the fourth highest civilian award conferred by the Republic of India, means that...