HDFC Bank Badhte Kadam Scholarships 2022-23
- for School and College Students
- for Competitive Exams Coaching (NEET,JEE etc.)
The HDFC Banks has announced HDFC Bank Badhte Kadam Scholarships for the following categories:
1. For Class 11 and 12 Studnets
2.for General Graduation Studies
3. For Professional Graduation Studies
4. For Students with Disabilites
5. For Students undertaking Coaching Class to appear for NEET, HEE,CLAT,NIFT etc.
The scholarship amounts vary from Rs.18000 to Rs.72000. Preference is given to girl students, to students who are in crisies and those who belong to lower income categories. The family income of applicant should be below Rs.6,00,000 (Rs.Six Lakhs) per annum.
Last Date: 30 September 2022.
Click here to access details and application forms.